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Because ruining Marcia Cross' life simply isn't enough, the adorably bitchy gays over at DataLounge have found themselves a new hobby in outing Lloyd Grove's trusty henchman, Hudson Morgan. Their gaydars lead to intense speculation:

- He's hot and his name is hot.

- Hud seems to know a wee bit too much about fashion to be straight.

- I know him. He is hot and he is gay. And, no, I'm not Hud.

Bad news, darlings. I have "intimate" knowledge of Hud, and by "intimate," I mean, "He got me blackout drunk at the Whitney and I woke up in a bodega." And while Hud does favor pastels and attaches his byline to this sort of fey stuff, no gay man would ever end his night without seeing that his wasted lady friend got home safely. Only a heterosexual alpha-WASP would leave a girl stranded. Furthermore, I contacted Hud, who made it clear that he doesn't even have time to be gay: he's spending all of his waking hours with Lloyd. And no 'mo would ever live like that.
NY Daily News Gossip Writer Hud Morgan [DataLounge]