
New York Daily News Tweets Featuring Shaun King's Head, Ranked

Kevin Draper and Patrick Redford · 08/12/16 12:25PM

Activist-turned-New York Daily News senior justice writer Shaun King writes on very serious topics like the justice system, police brutality, and Black Lives Matter. Which is why it is so baffling that the Daily News frequently promotes his stories on Twitter by inserting King’s visage into the story art, often to hilarious effect.

New York Daily News Editor Fired For Making It Seem Like Shaun King Was a Plagiarist 

Jordan Sargent · 04/19/16 07:56PM

It seemed as though today would be the day that disgraced Black Lives Matter activist-turned-provocateur columnist Shaun King would be caught in exactly the kind of lie for which, after a series of highly public controversies, the internet still seemed eager to nail him. Justin Miller, an editor at The Daily Beast, tweeted at 2:34 p.m. that King had plagiarized his Tuesday broadside from a story written by The Daily Beast’s Kate Briquelet.

A Theological Debate

Hamilton Nolan · 12/03/15 11:48AM

Here are today’s front pages of New York City’s two tabloid newspapers. Which one is “better?”

This Is a Good Newspaper Front Page

Sam Biddle · 08/27/15 05:00PM

Today’s New York Daily News cover shows yesterday’s murder of an CBS reporter in Virginia from the perspective of her killer. It’s horrific, graphic, and gruesome—and it’s important that everyone looks at it.

Texts from Quarantine: Brooklyn Patient Shares Ebola Scare Story

Zara Golden · 08/10/14 02:50PM

Where were you when you first heard word that there might be an Ebola case in New York? Eric Silverman, a 27-year-old Brooklyn grad student who was admitted to Mount Sinai with a high fever and gastrointestinal symptoms, was in his hospital bed texting and watching CNN.

Sarah Hedgecock · 03/13/14 02:05PM

[From Tim Barber's Instagram]

New York Daily News Endorses Romney

MTanzer · 11/04/12 12:32PM

Four years ago, the Daily News endorsed Obama, seeing a historic figure whose intelligence, political skills and empathy with common folk positioned him to build on the small practical experience he would bring to the world's toughest job. We valued Obama's pledge to govern with bold pragmatism and bipartisanship.

Post Prick Pals With Primo Prostitute Chick

John Cook · 03/29/12 02:59PM

Well, well, well. It turns out that the Col Allan, the New York Post's penis-rubbing, stripper-loving editor-in-chief, enjoys a very chummy relationship with Anna Gristina, the alleged Manhattan Madam whose recent arrest is spreading panic amongst her reportedly A-list client list. And in a stunning instance of New York news omerta, Allan's archrival the New York Daily News knew all about the relationship but sat on it for weeks.

Former News of the World Editor Ditches Murdochs for Daily News

Max Read · 01/04/12 03:28PM

Colin Myler, who took over at News of the World after alleged phone-hacking mastermind Andy Coulson and presided over its abrupt end (that's him above, giving a final speech to his editors), has been appointed the new editor-in-chief of the New York Daily News—bitter rival of the New York Post, which, like News of the World, is a News Corp holding.

The Preposterous Plagiarism Assault on Romenesko

Hamilton Nolan · 11/10/11 02:57PM

In your ungrateful Thursday media column: we must all come together to defend Jim Romenesko, farewells at the NYDN, an election news vet dies, and Nickelodeon suffers.

Friday Is Media Layoff Day, Again

Hamilton Nolan · 11/04/11 02:19PM

In your finally Friday media column: layoffs hit the NYDN and The Early Show, Business Insider's horrific possible future, an Occupied reporter set free, and the National Magazine Awards make progress.