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In the grand tradition of Hugh Grant explaining the circumstances of his infamous blowjob on i>The Tonight Show, last night Chris Rock sat down on Jay Leno's couch to explain his comment that only guys who like to give blowjobs watch the Oscars. Joked Rock,"I did not say that. I said only gay people watch the Tonys." At least he tweaked the gays one more time before he veered dangerously close to Billy Crystal territory:

"The awards don't really affect anybody's lives in the crowd," Rock said. "Meanwhile, the Nobel Peace Prize, there's no one there. Nobody cares what the scientists are wearing. What are you wearing Professor Allen? Pants!'"

Rock avoiding falling into a medley of showtunes altered to include the names of Best Picture nominees by noting that only gay scientists would be tuning in to hear him rehash that joke on Sunday night.