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On his "Producer's Blog" (yes, it's true, anyone can have a blog—and look at that adorable picture of him sitting at a laptop!) on the Oscar website, awards show puppet-master Gil Cates shrugs and asks, "What, me worry about Chris Rock spraying fine-carrying f-bombs into a billion homes?"

Everyone asked if I am worried about what Chris Rock will say. I told them that I am not worried at all.

First, Chris is a very smart man and he understands quite clearly the difference between the scatological observations he can make on his cable television specials and how to be funny within the boundaries allowed on the networks. After all, he spent nearly five years as a cast member on Saturday Night Live.

Cates can be afford to be cocky while he's hiding behind a five-second delay, but is his willing to give up his fail-safe mechanism, a button that can deliver a paralyzing electric shock to Rock's testicles during the slight pause between "mother" and "fucker"? Probably not. He'll be leaning on that button as soon as Rock asks Nicholson if he's wearing those sunglasses so that all of the actresses in the audience he's banged won't recognize him.