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We've only been following Oscar producer Gil Cates' behind-the-scenes blog musings for a couple of days now, but we're going to sorely miss his company come Monday morning. We fear he's going to abandon his online presence after the awards are over and return to his normal, daily activities, which we assume consists of chasing butterflies with an oversized net and trying to catch rainbows in a marmalade jar. Please take a moment to savor what will be one of his last dispatches before the Big Night steals him away from us:

An example of an Oscar moment that surprised all of us happened in 1991 when Jack Palance won an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor in CITY SLICKERS. Jack came up to the podium from his seat in the orchestra and began his acceptance speech when he suddenly dropped to the floor. Along with everyone else, my first thought was that something was horribly wrong. I feared he may have had a stroke!

Of course we all remember this indelible Oscar Moment, when roughly a fifth of the world's population watched in horror as Mr. Palance collapsed in a heap as a frantic Billy Crystal tried futilely to resuscitate his friend and co-star. That event tinged what was otherwise a lovely, jaunty telecast with a fleeting moment of sadness and mortality (though, admittedly, it was great fucking television). We miss ya, Jack, and hope that Chris Rock gives you a shout-out on Sunday.