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Is Halle Berry's publicist buried under three tons of mudslide somewhere in the hills? Berry accepted her Worst Actress Razzie for Catwoman with these words:

"I want to thank Warner Brothers for casting me in this piece of shit," she said as she dragged her agent on stage and warned him "next time read the script first."

We were so ready to throw our arms around Halle and congratulate her on being such a good loser, but then she blames her agent? How disingenuous of her. Berry is well aware that upwards of 95 percent of agents are functionally illiterate, and we all know that she isn't going to read any scripts that aren't printed in large type and feature colorful illustrations of key plot developments. Perhaps the most disturbing thing is how she's imperiled the development of Catwoman 2. Doesn't she know that Sharon Stone needs to eat?