The Brad Grey Era Begins At Paramount

Now that the legendary Sherry Lansing has gone down on her knees for the last time and has been packed away in styrofoam peanuts in a film vault on the lot, the Brad Grey Era officially begins at Paramount today. The LAT's Patrick Goldstein (Rob Schneider's BFF) offers the newly-minted mogul some advice as he tries to turn around the studio:
Movie stars are overrated. Look at the 10 top-grossing films of last year and tell me how many of them had a star that you'd cast in a film tomorrow without breaking a sweat. I count two: Matt Damon and Ben Stiller. Everyone in Hollywood loves to talk about relationships, but don't get in the habit of doing stars' pet projects just to get in business with them.
Wasn't Brad Grey's vaunted "relationship with talent" the reason he was hired in the first place? Asking a former manager to forego the starfucking is like asking a frat-party date rapist to leave the Zima and the roofies at home. By the end of the week, Grey's going to have his desk removed and replaced with a ten-person jacuzzi, hire an on-call coke cutter, and lock up buddy Brad Pitt for his pet franchise idea, The Man Of Few Words Who Smells Something Funny And Likes To Shoot Guns.