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Needing a break from the stresses of winning her second Oscar and inconspicuously scarfing Astro burgers in front of blinding paparazzi flashbulbs, Hilary Swank and oft-emasculated house-husband Chad Something have earned a vacation:

After eating at a seaside Mexican restaurant, the couple took a boat to the secluded beachside community of Yelapa where they have rented a bungalow.

Yelapa, a fishing community accessible only by boat, has become a favorite among well-heeled, privacy-conscious travelers.

If this jaunt seems a little too luxe for America's Favorite Trailer-Trash Double Oscar Winner, don't fret: Swank's best friend/publicist has arranged for the actress to make a quick stopover in Tijuana, where the delightfully down-to-earth actress will haggle with street urchins over the value of their trinkets, pound fifty-cent margaritas, and drunkenly wrestle all comers in the audience at a donkey show.