Trade Round-Up: Sony Conquered By Foreigner

· Sony America head Howard Stringer will take over as chairman and CEO of the entire Japanese company. America wins! Wait, Stringer's not American? Eh, we've stopped caring. [Variety]
· Nicole Kidman and Robert Downey Jr. in negotiations to star in Fur, a film about photographer Diane Arbus, written and directed by the folks who brought you Secretary. We have no idea is this means that Downey will bend Kidman over the edge of a desk for some spanking, but we can always hope. [THR]
· Shrek 3's not set for release until May 2007, but DreamWorks has already hired a writer to begin work on Shrek 4; Jeffrey Katzenberg is anxious to raise the necessary capital for his utopian all-film-executive colony on Mars. [Variety]
· We're a little tired of writing it, but they keep casting: Everyone works during pilot season! Lara Flynn Boyle, Henry Winkler, Jessica Capshaw, and Jason Priestley get in on the action. [THR]
· ABC wins Sunday with the ostensibly non-piece-of-shit TV movie, Their Eyes Were Watching God. [THR]