WGA Inside Baseball: The Not So Curious Case Of The Forged Signature

It's way too early for us to even attempt to wrap our minds around the Writers Guild inside baseball that's been brought to our attention, but here's a quick summary of what we can piece together as we rub the sleep from our eyes: WGA West president Dan Petrie Jr. signed (forged is such a harsh term) the name of WGA East president Herb Sargent on his report card before showing his unacceptable algebra grade (when will these writer types start applying themselves to their math homework?) to the judge that's mediating their current financial dispute.
We concede that we may be getting some of the details wrong (see Variety if you really need to know what's going on), but you can read the e-mail that Sargent sent out to Guild board members after the jump.
March 8, 2005
Dan Petrie, Jr.
Writers Guild of America, west
7000 W. 3rd St.
Los Angeles, CA 90048Dear Dan,
I am exceedingly troubled by the recent correspondence
from your office. On March 3, 2005 you took it upon
yourself to send an unauthorized letter to the
mediator we had chosen, Justice Joseph Grodin, in
spite of the fact that we had agreed to him only if no
ex parte communications would take place.Not only was the letter on WGAw letterhead and
presented as if jointly sent, it contained a signature
that was clearly not my own. The letter was not
written with me, sent by me or, most importantly,
signed by me.Clearly your credibility is damaged when such blatant
disregard for the law is exercised. I expect to
receive assurances from you and the WGAw that
unauthorized use of my name and/or signature will
never again occur.Sincerely,
Herb Sargent
cc: WGAE Council
WGAw Board of Directors