Trade Round-Up: Execs Flee Miramax

· Executives flee as soon-to-be Weinstein-free Miramax like rats from a sinking ship. Or if you like a somewhat less dated analogy, fleeing like an assistant being beaten by Harvey Weinstein brandishing a rolled up copy of Talk magazine. [Variety]
· We've already linked to Variety's coverage of WGASignatureGate, so here's a link to THR's reports. [THR]
· Dan Rather will step away from the smouldering splinters of his CBS News anchor's desk tonight, but if you're getting this information from the trades, we recommend that you leave the production office once in a while.[Variety]
· Aisha Tyler, Loni Anderson, Scott Foley, Jonathan Schaech, Sarah Wynter, and Christine know what we're going to say re: pilot season. Don't make us do it. [THR]
· Keanu Reeves is set to bring his peculiar brand of confused-looking, monosyllabic star power to bear in Columbia's epic The 8th Voyage of Sinbad. We hope he wears a fez and some baggy pants! [Variety]