Matt Drudge Takes Up Residency At Neverland Ranch
We know this may be hard for you to believe, but we re rather convinced that The People's Reporter, our beloved Matt Drudge, is biased. Shocking, yes, we know go ahead and grab a glass of water, sit down, whatever you need to do.
All better? Good. Anyhow.
We re not talking about the usual Drudge bias the sort of right-wing-tilting, minority-stereotyping, shirtless soldiers-featuring-yet-anti-gay bias we ve come to expect from our man in Miami no, we re talking about a whole new sort of bias. The sort of bias that results when maybe, just maybe, Drudge has been working with the Michael Jackson defense team.
Think about his coverage: Drudge has gone from attacking the accusers to setting Jackson up for an insanity plea (at least in the court of public opinion which, sadly, is just as important). He s also suggested that there aren t enough black jurors and highlighted contradictory grand jury testimony. Conveniently, these elements could be grounds for an appeal, and you KNOW those defense lawyers are getting desperate. We re just sayin .
Call us crazy, but we re not bananas in pyjamas.