Disney Taps Iger

Please, Mr, Iger, you don't have to kill anyone else*, at least for a little while; the Disney board's finally chosen you to succeed Michael Eisner as Head Mouse in Charge at the Magic Kingdom/Media Concern. That's right, you'll be replacing the same Michael Eisner who was quoted in DisneyWar offering the following votes of confidence for your candidacy: "Bob can’t run this company,” "[he] lacks the stature" and could "never succeed me." Also, our personal favorite: "If I had to choose, it would not be Bob." We hope that Eisner made it up to you with a gift basket full of pricey cheeses and handcrafted vodkas. Or, you know, by handing you the job now so that you can continue his legacy.
We'll be wading through the reams of analysis, hand-wringing, and recriminations as the day (and, sadly, the week) goes on.
[*Hilarious juxtaposition courtesy of the NYT, TLC, and the BTK Killer.]