Hollywood Shocker: Publicist Lies To Page Six!

Today's Page Six continues its recent crusade to rid Hollywood of liars and to institute a culture of truth throughout the entertainment industry. Last week, the Sixers rapped the knuckles of new CAA agent Todd Feldman with the bitch stick for not giving them the scoop on his departure from William Morris, and today they're going off on Paramount flack Nancy Kirkpatrick for similar crimes against the gossip world:
We then called and said, "We hear Sherry isn't going to finish out her contract and will be gone by the end of the year." Kirkpatrick denied it. Lansing left and was replaced by Brad Grey early this year. We next called and said Paramount Pictures president Donald Deline was leaving. Kirkpatrick so strenuously denied it, she offered to get Grey and Deline on the phone, even though we pointed out there was no way either of them would admit Deline was leaving. She also denied producer Scott Rudin was off for Sony, saying he "has two years left on his contract." (Hey, didn't Lansing have two left when they canned her?) Kirkpatrick was so passionate in all of her denials we actually believed her — and then we had to read our scoops in the trades. Hey, Nancy — from now on, don't expect to hear from us. Lie to some other column.
As soon as the sting of Page Six's public rebuke wears off, Kirkpatrick should dry her tears, clip out this item, and walk right into into Brad Grey's office to accept a huge pay raise. She's clearly at the top of her profession.