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Apparently flush with hormones from her rumored pregnancy, Britney Spears once again has found the inspiration to post another Missive of Truth on her website. This time, she dabbles in media criticism, urging the celebrity journalism industry to indulge in the kind of introspection that has made her one of her generation's most influential thinkers, penning an open letter to "False Tabloids":

Dear False Tabloids,
As you read this letter, I bet you are asking yourself: Who? Who, me? Am I a false tabloid? Well, I don't know. But after this posting, I hope you are asking yourself a lot of questions. Your employees are a reflection of your magazine. Do you, Us Weekly, In Touch, Star and other desperate magazines want employees who are honest, or those who are liars? It seems to me that you'd prefer the latter.

I'm really concerned about the people you hire to work at your companies. I'd like them to ask themselves the question, "What am I lying to myself about?" Is it that you are 50 pounds overweight? Is it that your children aren't making wise decisions? Or is it maybe that your husband or boyfriend is cheating on you? Until you face what is going on in your life, I guess you'll remain a false tabloid.


P.S. People Magazine is great in my book!

We were right there with her, even audibly yelping "You go, Brit Brit! Tell 'em girl!" three or four times...until we reached her postscript. But we suppose it's good thing that she can't sustain such an intense level of fist-pumping rhetoric for long, otherwise we might be tempted to swear off eating, shave off all of our body hair, and follow her around like the modern prophet she's so close to becoming.