Bitch-Orgy At 'Desperate Housewives' Cover Shoot

OMG! Did you hear about what happened at the Vanity Fair cover shoot with the Desperate Bitchwives, um, we mean, Housewives? The AP was all:
Vanity Fair's cover proclaims: "You wouldn't believe what it took just to get this photo!" The article acknowledges that the poolside photo-shoot, in which the five women appear in different colored bathing suits, was manned by an ABC representative who was to make sure that certain demands were met — including that Teri Hatcher didn't select her wardrobe first or appear in the center of any group photo.
"Whatever you do," the ABC rep, who wasn't identified by name, said when he arrived on the set, "do not let Teri go to wardrobe first."
And you know who went to wardrobe first. Yup, Teri Hatcher! We know! Then Teri gets all up in the middle of the photo—which you know she wasn't supposed to do—and then Marcia Cross was all, fuck this, I'm outta here!, and we were all, wow! And the flack was like, "Eva is NOT pleased!" Totally! And then Nicolette Sheridan... [Ed.note—This is where The Defamer killed himself, overwhelmed by the pressure of trying to carry off this ill-chosen conceit. New, better Defamer tomorrow!]