Defamer Corrections: Righting The Housewives

Normally, the Defamer Corrections space is reserved for making amends for our own inaccuracies, errors, and omissions. Thanks to a reader, today we can lend our corrective assistance to an editor at the AP, whose faulty identification of Desperate Housewives star Marcia Cross on the infamous Vanity Fair cover may incite yet another sweaty round of the now-legendary bitch-orgy should Cross' publicist discover it:
From left to right, standing are; Teri Hatcher, Nicolette Sheridan and Marcia Harden. On the deck chair, are; Eva Longoria and Felicity Huffman, right.
Says our copy-editing reader: "I get them confused all the time. One actress cries when she thinks her husband has killed someone, the other's husband cries when he ejaculates. One's middle name is Gay, the other is allegedly gay. I think they are the same person." We only hope that we've interceded before Cross notices the error, and convinced that on-set rival and co-star Teri Hatcher is somehow behind it, injects a syringeful of Botox into Hatcher's larynx. Also, Cross is slathered in Crisco and the topless Hatcher has only a feather pillow with which to defend herself in this purely hypothetical confrontation. And why is Eva Longoria eating a banana while watching her co-stars tussle?