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Page Six brightens up our Monday morning with the heartwarming tale of 10-year-old Veronica You, who boldly marched up to Britney Spears' hotel and slipped an interview request under her door. [Ed.note—Don't worry about the noises you might have heard, Veronica. Sometimes, when a pop star and an unemployed background dancer love each other very, very much, they host a petting zoo in their hotel room.] And, much to the chagrin of more mainstream glossies like US Weekly or Star, the little go-getter scored an exclusive for the Hancock Park Elementary School's esteemed gossip rag:

Among her revelations, Britney told her that the best thing about her marriage to Federline was "just having somebody that always has your back no matter what. No matter what goes wrong, somebody is there for you." Although Spears wouldn't confirm if she was pregnant, she did say she wanted a baby soon — and didn't care if it was a boy or a girl. Young You told PAGE SIX that Spears was "super sweet" and when her cellphone accidentally cut out, the star even called right back and apologized.

Upon seeing this story wind up on Page Six, Spears immediately decried You's school paper as a false tabloid, and referred all follow-up questions to her publicist, who promptly issued a statement saying that Spears only agreed to do the interview because of the psychic stress caused by her dogs' incestuous relationship.