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This morning, we all heard about the local fourth-grader who scored an exclusive interview with Britney Spears for her school paper. Something was bugging us about this feel-good tibdit—how did this intrepid kid penetrate the defenses of Spears' hotel, then find the correct door under which to slip the interview request (assuming that the clever tyke didn't pose as a Red Bull delivery person and follow the Cheeto-crumb trail)? A Defamer operative reveals:

Funny thing about Veronica You's interview..she's Brenda You's daughter...and Brenda You is the former West Coast Bureau Chief of Star magazine. I'm sure Brit didn't know she gave the daughter of a former bureau chief of a "false tabloid" an exclusive interview. Hilarious!

When Spears finds out that her trust may have been betrayed by a false-tabloid offspring, expect an immediate media blackout for all local grade-school and middle-school outlets. By now, Us Weekly and The National Enquirer have already yanked kids off the playground, filled their backpacks with recording devices, and set them loose in the halls of Spears' hotel.

UPDATE: Brenda You, proud parent and former agent of false-tabloid witchery, responds! After the jump...

While it is true that I (Brenda You) am Veronica You's mother — and a FORMER reporter for false tabloids — this interview was not sold or given to any magazine but was done entirely by my daughter for her school newspaper. Britney was not mislead in any way as none of the answers she gave were published in any tabloid. While I did assist my daughter in getting the interview (as any mother would), the information used to find Britney was published in US Weekly and any enterprising person could have done the same thing that my daughter did. To attack a little girl is something only someone who works for Star magazine would do, I'm sure.

By the way, look for Veronica on Good Morning America tomorrow.

Best wishes, Brenda

Some of the answers were published in Page Six (tabloid, but not one of the "falsies," apparently), and they probably weren't picking up the Hancock Park Fourth Grade Times-Picayune—despite its vaunted lifestyles section— without a tip from well-connected Mom. But we're sure everyone will tune in tomorrow to watch the little scoopster explain how she managed the "get," anyway.

And if we find out that Spielberg's kids are showing up to class with "home movies" featuring a suspicious amount of CGI and overly cheerful know we'll be all over it.