Short Ends: I'm Rick James, Bitch, And I'd Like Your Vote

· Greatest. Petty. Thefts. Ever.
· Even at the end of his life, it was rumored that the Pope could bench 350.
· "Third rule of Desperate Housewives Fight Club, someone yells, 'Bitch! You're in my light!'?? Oh, it's on."
· Pantheon Zeus is unhealthily obsessed with the idea of Rosie O'Donnell portraying a retarded person. We're going to spare you the e-mails.
· We have just one question about this: Was it a skull or a full head? Because if it was an entire head, there might've been some embalming fluid in there, and we all know how awesome that combination is. OK, two questions: Whatever happened to using an apple or a Coke can with holes punched in it?