Breakfast With Les Moonves And An Erection

Our semiregular morning feature (in which we attempt to trick your palette into thinking there's broken glass in the cream cheese on your lightly-toasted bagel through the presentation of disquieting blog content) continues, as we present this tossed-off quote from Page Six:
"MONEY is sensual. Every time I see Les Moonves, I get an erection. What can I tell you?" — Jerry Stiller in Esquire magazine
The images are almost too much to bear...Jerry Stiller's tumescence...the gleam of Viacom co-president/ universal-dictator-in-waiting Les Moonves' painstakingly-polished teeth...big piles of money. Whoa! Hey, 'Lil Defamer, where did you come from? Isn't it a little early for you to be up?