Les Moonves Dishonored, Bloody Reprisals To Follow

NY Daily News JV gossip Lloyd Grove obtains a copy of the book proposal for the memoir of canned 60 Minutes producer Mary Mapes (of Rather/Memogate fame), in which Mapes recklessly endangers her life by disparaging the journalistic bonafides of Viacom co-president/future global despot Les Moonves:
[On] CBS President and Viacom Co-President Les Moonves, the husband of "Early Show" co-host Julie Chen: "Moonves demonstrated what has been joked about for years: that everything he knows about journalism has been sexually transmitted."
We'd normally be inclined to offer an enthusiastic Awwww snap!, but we fear that Mapes' body may already be decomposing in the trunk of a CBS-commissioned Lincoln Town Car, which will slowly circle Manhattan until two generations of the producer's family have passed. On the off chance that the Viacom goons haven't reached her yet, we offer an olive branch: She wasn't dishonoring Julie Chen, Moonves' CBS war bride, she was merely insinuating that Moonves had fucked Dan Rather.