The Return Of The Prodigal Dick

We'd like to take a moment to note the triumphant return of Tabloid Lifetime Achievement Award recipient Andy Dick (and yes, we know it's premature as he still has a quite promising career ahead of him) to the gossip rags. According to Page Six, Dick went on a minor rampage during a drop-in at the Surreal Life house.
ANDY Dick was such a jerk during a guest appearance on VH1's "The Surreal Life" that "producers and security had to wrestle him to the ground in order to throw him off the set," said an insider. "Andy was completely out of control."
These items never give you the whole story. In fairness to everyone's favorite, misunderstood C-list provocateur, the incident was precipitated when a quick-thinking producer decided to spice up a dragging segment by telling Dick that Omarosa is an incredibly lifelike pi ata filled with tiny bottles of liquor, cocaine, and gay porn.