Trade Round-Up: Von Trier To Show Off In Cannes

· The Cannes line-up features established directors such as David Cronenberg, Wim Wenders, Atom Egoyan, Jim Jarmusch, Gus Van Sant, and Lars Von Trier. Von Trier will be shunned at the opening night gala, when he kills a donkey just to show off for his peers. [Variety]
· Breaking! Actors still love easy voiceover paychecks! Nick Nolte, William Shatner, Steve Carell, Avril Lavigne,
Catherine O'Hara, Eugene Levy, Wanda Sykes and Allison Janney sign on to voice the DreamWorks animated feature Over the Hedge. [THR]
· The NFL goes feces-flinging insane, moving Monday Night Football to ESPN, while giving the Sunday night game to sports-starved NBC. [Variety]
· The Parents Television Council finds more to complain about, bitching that broadcasters do a bad job of properly labeling the violence and smut content (i.e., the good parts) of their shows. [THR]
· Disney makes up the absolutely darling title of "Chief Creative Officer" for marketing exec Oren Aviv. We love it when marketing people start thinking they're creative! It's so darn cute! [Variety]
· Robert Downey Jr., Mark Ruffalo, and Jake Gyllenhaal sign up for David Fincher's Zodiac, a serial killer flick for Paramount and Warner Brothers. Beware: the entire film could collapse from its critical mass of hunky dreaminess. [Variety]