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During promotion for the looming cinematic disaster that will be A Lot Like Love, Ashton Kutcher unburdens himself of the the tale of his half-assed, failed attempt to join the Mile High Club:

“We [he didn’t specify if “we” included Demi] were both sitting there and I got up and went over to [the bathroom], and it was weird trying to get two people in there and there was like a moron convention going on around the bathroom door. So there was no opportune moment. It was like, ‘Everyone just go to sleep on the plane!’ No one would go to sleep."

Perhaps it's telling that Kutcher didn't specify that he was trying to cram into the lavatory with Demi Moore, and that Kutcher fundamentally misunderstands the Airborne Intercourse Society's stringent membership restrictions. We're pretty sure you don't get your little set of clip-on air-porking wings if you're merely trying to steal a private moment with your junk for a one-man game of "let's see if I can hit the smoke detector."

Then again, maybe both of them couldn't fit in the bathroom.