Andy Dick: B-Lister Non Grata At Coachella?

A reader over at the LA.comfidential blog overhears that Andy Dick, patron saint of drug-addled VIP room antics, might not be allowed to grace this weekend's big music orgy in the desert with his presence:
I was getting my hair done and I overheard some people saying that organizers of Coachella actually had a special meeting about NOT letting Andy Dick in to the festivities this year. You'd think his arrest at the fest last year for smoking a joint would be good publicity...
Now we don't feel so bad about skipping Coachella this year. If we aren't even going to have the chance to watch Andy Dick paint himself in pig's blood and continually stage dive during the Nine Inch Nails set, what's the point of going? Besides, haven't you heard? The place is going to be infested with hipster-seeking killer bees.