Trade Round-Up: Soderbergh Threatens The Film Distribution Paradigm

· Studios cross their fingers, hoping that releasing not-really-summer-blockbusters like Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and XXX: State of the Union in April will finally shake loose some more of this year's scant box office dollars. [Variety]
· "Maverick" director Steven Soderbergh signs a six-picture deal with Mark Cuban's 2929 Entertainment, which will attempt to destabilize the universe by releasing Soderbergh's independent movies simultaneously in theaters, on TV, and video. Don't worry, though, Ocean's Thirteen through Sixteen will still be released the old-fashioned way. [THR]
· The networks finally gave in to "peer pressure" and sacrificed valuable sweeps primetime slots to carry GWB's press conference, but they weren't happy about it. They cut away early to make sure the public didn't miss Trump and Paris Hilton's far more enlightening remarks on America. [Variety]
· One day, when nothing but radioactive cockroaches roam the earth, America's Funniest Home Videos and According to Jim will still get pick-ups for an additional season. [THR]
· Mos Def takes reckless chances with his acting career by agreeing to star opposite Bruce Willis in the cop drama 16 Blocks. [Variety]