Trade Round-Up: Time Warner's Huge Security Boner

· Identity theft happy fun time: A Time Warner security breach puts the personal info of 600,000 past and present employees at risk. The over-under on a massive class action lawsuit is two days, right about the time the first fake Ted Turner credit card is used to buy a 100-foot yacht. [Variety]
· Zach Braff, unafraid that potential co-star Amanda Peet has been tainted by her recent rom-co association with Ashton Kutcher, is in negotiations to star in the comedy Fast Track. Even better, it's for the brand-spanking-new WeinsteinCo, the new home of everyone's favorite employee-terrorizing brothers. [THR]
· Universal acquires the rights to memoir Around the World in 80 Dates and will produce with Reese Witherspoon, who will have first crack at starring in the movie version if she decides she'd finally like to stretch herself by starring in a romantic comedy. [Variety]
· DVD sales push studio profits up 9%, but if you're a writer, actor, or director reading this, lack of DVD sales threatens to bankrupt the entire entertainment industry—don't even think about getting a bigger share of residuals. [THR]
· Kingdom of Heaven writer William Monahan will attempt to construct a script for a Marco Polo movie in which it will not seem ridiculous that the explorer will be portrayed by Matt Damon. Good luck to you, sir. [Variety]