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Just in case you're the type of flat-earther that still believes in (or still in any way cares about) the viablity of Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey's marriage, the Las Vegas Review Journal's Norm Clarke attempts to stick the proverbial fork in MTV's favorite couple:

If Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey weren't officially over, they could be after this hits the headlines: she and Limp Bizkit horndog Fred Durst were all over each other in the Body English VIP booth during the Hard Rock Hotel's 10th anniversary celebration.

Pity poor Nick Lachey, who's already had to endure endless speculation that his wife was getting her salad tossed while wearing Johnny Knoxville's trucker hat. Surely he's seen Fred Durst's sex tape, and will now have Durst's infamous "Touch my balls and my ass" exhortation ringing through his head every time a rerun of Newlyweds rolls across the 60-inch plasma TV Jessica bought for him.