Publicists Are Just Like Us! Sex Advice Edition

We have to admit, we thought that Nerve's "Sex Advice from Publicists" feature would be nothing but a string of sternly offered "No comments" and denials that the act of intercourse even exists. But in an apparent effort to humanize the profession, a couple of the publicists even gamely offer ways to get into their pants:
(Aimee) What's the best way to pick up a publicist? Hitting media-heavy events that have full open bars.
(Sarah) What's the best way to pick up a publicist? Come to a party. Publicists like to drink, they like to smoke, they like to talk. Schmooze with us. And be forward.
Booze! Who knew it was so easy? We never have to promise to lay off Tara Reid for publicist-sex again! If you need us, we'll be in the lobby of PMK with a handle of Jack Daniels, and, as the saying goes, we're leaving our pants in the car.