Trade Round-Up: Shrek Goes Limp For DreamWorks

· "Reports of B.O. death greatly exaggerated": If you subtract The Passion of the Christ from last year's box office take, this year's business doesn't look nearly as shitty. [Variety]
· Disappointing Shrek 2 DVD sales in the first quarter send DreamWorks stock plummeting. Did the public finally decide it's had enough ogre cock shoved down its throat over the last year? [THR]
· Bob and Harvey Weinstein snap up Transamerica, Felicity Huffman's tranny flick, for their Weinstein Co. [Variety]
· ShitergyWatch: MTV and Nickelodeon sign Outkast's Andre 3000 to produce films and TV shows for their Viacom fiefdoms. [THR]
· And because Wednesday is Viacom day, VH1 president Christina Norman will take over MTV, while MTV VP moves over to run VH1. Got it? Neither do we. [Variety]