Andy Dick Rampage As Product Placement Opportunity

We were enjoying a perfectly nice story about Andy Dick rampaging through a swag suite at the upfronts when we were suddenly overtaken by the urge to push away from the computer and head to the Beverly Center. From JV NY Daily News gossip Lloyd Grove (who's really caught fire the last two days):
The spy adds: "He doesn't even have his own show, and he took significantly more than everyone else: James jeans, Bose earphones, an MP3 player from iRiver and even women's jewelry!"
Barely missing the cut from the "spy" report for not being obvious enough: "Dick also deep-throated a bottle of refreshing Level vodka, ran a lap around the room in his Nike sneakers, then paused to offer a totally off-the-cuff testimonial about his love of Target™ stores." Color us naive, but is it too much to ask that our Andy Dick items, the special moments that brighten our otherwise completely bleak existence, not be so tainted with product placements? We really hope that Grove's gift bag came with a coupon for a free shower at the Y. Dick didn't even throw up on anyone or try to kiss a man, you know?