Defamer Employment: Andy Dick's HotJob

Andy Dick is so desperate for help solidifying his online presence that he's resorted to the last refuge of the e-damned B-lister, the public Craiglist employment ad:
andy Dick website...please help me!
My name is Andy Dick and I have a website that is in desperate need of help. People keep dicking me around ( no pun intended). If you are web- talented and want to do an alternative website for me, please email me. Help me get out of this HTM-HELL!!! Leave your phone # in your email.
Thank you so much!
Please, no more "dicking him around." If you don't have the programming skills to produce a Flash game where Dick chases an eightball he just dropped underneath the stall while trying to conduct a a pansexual bathroom orgy, don't waste anyone's time by applying. Unless you're a hot, aspiring actress with self-esteem issues or a busboy packing some serious inches, HTML training will not be provided.