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How many of you are going to this summer's hottest ticket, the Association of Alternative Newsweeklies' 28th Annual Convention?

Meet and greet your "spineless alt-weekly weenie" compatriots, learn how to maximize your advertiser dick-sucking potential, and, quite probably, end up in a Mexican jail with your fellow aging hippie publishers:

The Other Side: An Intimate Tour of Tijuana's Underbelly*
An insider's look at fascinating areas rarely seen by San Diegans, including border smuggling routes, poverty and riches, sites where journalists and political candidates were assassinated, and a tour of Tijuana's alternative paper. Attendance is limited to the first 90 registrants.

Judy Miszner — we are counting on you to replenish our city's rapidly dwindling drug supply. I'm sure someone on staff can tell you how to sneak shit past the border patrol. -AP

Editorial Stream [AAN]