
Who Killed GM?

Pareene · 06/01/09 10:29AM

General Motors is bankrupt. Whoops. It was probably going to happen no matter what, but lots of people hoped that bankruptcy would remain a threat that would encourage everyone to band together to save the company. Who is to blame for the death of the American auto industry?

Martha Stewart Barred From UK; English Cutesy Merchants May Suffer

Hamilton Nolan · 06/20/08 08:25AM

The UK does not want Martha Stewart no matter how many lines of crockery she's designed for Wedgwood! The UK Border Agency has barred the felonious lifestyle queen from entering the country, presumably because of her criminal ways here in America. It's admirable consistency for the agency-famous star criminals must be kept out along with the common scum. But it may turn out to be a crippling blow for England's Toad-in-the-hole industry:

Babysitter Prostitute Movie Sure To Inspire Misguided Fantasies

Hamilton Nolan · 04/16/08 02:43PM

This upcoming film called "The Babysitters" is about babysitters, alright—hooker babysitters. One high school girl starts off as a mere child supervisor, but quickly comes to find that she can build more wealth selling her own body. Then all her high school friends are like "Hey, us too!" This movie may have been made before, but probably never outside the pornography industry. It stars Cynthia Nixon, and John Leguizamo as the lecherous husband, which is the role that John Leguizamo was born to play. The trailer [via Videogum], after the jump.

Children of the Elite Masquerade as Working Stiffs

Jessica · 03/15/06 03:53PM

This morning, we noted that David Katzenberg,* son of Dreamworks' CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, was reportedly wallowing in grub work at Vanity Fair with fellow spawn-of-famer Cate Edwards, daughter of former Vice-Presidential candidate John Edwards. We stand corrected: it's David's twin sister Laura doing the bitch work with Cate — not that it makes much difference. Their mutual fanciness is hardly a coincidence. As several readers have noted, media gigs come a lot easier when your family could have an editor by the balls. As one tipster put it:

The Children of the Ruling Class: Fortunate Slaves?

Jessica · 03/15/06 10:44AM

A spy informs us that David Katzenberg, son of Dreamworks CEO Jeffrey Katzenberg, is earning his keep by shuffling papers at Vanity Fair (quite the cushy gig, especially compared to his last stint as Mary-Kate Olsen's boyfriend). Meanwhile, former Vice-Presidential candidate John Edwards' daughter Cate is still toiling away at the mag as an editorial assistant. So that's two relatively young darlings who've managed to enter the holy temple of Vanity, both of whom are just coincidentally the spawn of the rich-and-powerful.

Understanding Your Corporate Torture Pen

Jessica · 03/09/06 09:15AM

Fortune has an interesting piece on the "Fidel Castro of office furniture," the cubicle. And who's to blame for your miserable working situation?

Remainders: Lachlan Sells Spring Street Hovel

Jessica · 03/01/06 06:00PM

• Hell freezes over, and Lachlan Murdoch finally puts 11 Spring Street up for sale. He bought the joint for $5.25 million in 2003, intending to turn the former horse stable into a luxury home, but the project stopped there. Now he's selling the property for $14.75. Sigh. We guess this means he really is gone for good. [The Walk-Through]
• Why you shouldn't bother with the cute intern. [Office Pirates]
• Believe it or not, Fox News screamer Bill O'Reilly was once 26. And what a bright young thing he was. [TSG]
• We still totally hate stylist Rachel Zoe. But we'd totally let her dress us. [Guardian]
Apprentice failures can always go work for the Donald's blog. [Mediabistro]

TV Guide Conveniently Hands Out Pink Slips

Jessica · 11/17/05 04:45PM

On Tuesday, it was reported that girly celeb-ish television rag Inside TV was folding so that its publisher, Gemstar, could focus on the company's "considerable core assets." Gemstar also publishes TV Guide, but apparently that mag isn't included in the core assets: we hear that the company cut 6 staffers (running the gamut in position) from the struggling television bible on the same day as the Inside TV bloodbath.

Dnde Est el Mediabistro?

Jessica · 11/16/05 08:48AM

As many of you early birds have noted (and, seriously, it's not even 9 A.M. — what the hell are you all doing up at this hour?), Mediabistro seems to be having some problems. A WHOIS search shows that was set to expire on November 10th, but the account was updated on the 11th. Sounds like a classic fuck-up of the sort with which we are not unfamiliar. Oh, how we long for the days of our great October 2004 server crash...we spent so much time outside...

Rumor Patrol: Ed Needham Ditching Maxim?

Jessica · 11/03/05 09:53AM

This is a bit preliminary, but we're hearing that Maxim EIC Ed Needham — perhaps the most powerful fratboy in the world — is preparing for his big exit. Nothing super concrete, but we're under the impression that a select few around the Maxim offices have been privy to the news that Needham is planning to leave this particular laddy juggernaut, perhaps even for the risqué embrace of a competitor (or maybe to pursue his dream of working at an upscale optical boutique).

Time for Your Corporate Flu Shot!

Jessica · 11/01/05 12:33PM

We recently realized that, despite the usual piss and vinegar we dump upon Jann Wenner's well-coiffed head, he does something for his employees that many media masters do not: He provides cheap flu shots. Granted, the health initiative could merely be to protect himself from getting sick whilst meandering around the Wenner Media office, but we don't really care about the rationale. The shots are included in the monthly healthcare costs for which most are already paying for, and the shots are offered in-office. It's so easy, we're inclined to think of Papa Jann as the King of Media Inoculation.

The New Mediabistro EIC: The People Have Spoken

Jessica · 10/26/05 05:03PM

It's the ultimate redemption story, isn't it? Just days after his expulsion from Condé High for forwarding a stupid email to a stupid (but lovable) website, the masses have anointed Andrew Krucoff as their pick for the next Editor-in-Chief of Mediabistro, the heir to Elizabeth Spiers's rattan throne.

Vote For the New Mediabistro EIC!

Jessica · 10/24/05 11:12AM

Last week was a big one for former Gawkbot Elizabeth Spiers, who sold her first novel and, 2 seconds later, quit her job as Mediabistro editor-in-chief. Now, as she cruises through her last week prancing about the office (assuming she stops in to pick up her potted plants and whatnot), the media-whoring masses are left wondering who founder Laurel Touby and publisher Kyle Crafton will find to fill Spiers's dainty shoes.

Village Voice Sells Its Soul to New Times

Jessica · 10/24/05 09:50AM

Wednesday marks the 50th anniversary of the grandaddy of alternative weeklies, the Village Voice — and what better way to celebrate than with a big, fat corporate merger?

Place Your Bets on the New Mediabistro EIC

Jessica · 10/19/05 05:00PM

This week has been nothing but good news for sly Gawker alum Elizabeth Spiers: She sold her book, quit her job, and was last seen flirting with an empty margarita glass. But with all these happy changes come misery around the offices of Mediabistro, as founder Laurel Touby must put down her hostess boa for a moment and begin the daunting task of finding Spiers's replacement.