Trade Round-Up: Pushed 'Panther'

· Universal hopes that the soft-opening Cinderella Man will be more Seabiscuit than Terminal. It seems that while Brian Grazer has the ability to make audiences laugh and cry, he can't singlehandedly guarantee a movie will open big. [Variety]
· Sony pushes back the Pink Panther release from August 5 to February 10, claiming that they want more time to promote it in the wake of their MGM acquisition. As with any official word from a studio, we should all accept this explanation at face value and not make any assumptions about the quality of the movie. [THR]
· Variety has more details about yesterday's Halo shenanigans, which you probably stopped caring about once the big green soldier showed up in your office. [Variety]
· A new study reveals that G-rated films make more money than R-rated films, prompting every studio in town to commission new studies that will conclude that graphic violence and partial nudity cures cancer. [THR]
· Nic Cage and Will Smith will both produce and star int he family comedy Time Share for Columbia, which is about exactly what you think a movie called Time Share would be about. Sample dialogue: "But how can both of us, a quirky white guy and a lovable black guy, have been booked for this time share at the same time? Wackiness is certain to ensue!" [Variety]
· Hollywood Out of Ideas XXVLIII: Ben Stiller will star in a DreamWorks feature remake of British TV show The Persuaders. [Variety]