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The Lindsay Lohan/Jessica Simpson gang war is in full effect. After Lohan busted the ceremonial first cap by conspicuously denying Simpson entry to her MTV Movie Awards post-party at the Standard, the Simps (gang color: cornflower) went all "no you DI'INT!" and sent dad Joe (gang handle: Daddy J-Murder) to promptly commence the yanking of weaves in the tabloids. From Radar's website:

“Joe called our head offices himself and ranted and raved about it,” says a top editor at one of the weeklies. “It was obvious he wanted to paint Lindsay as a bitch. He couldn’t believe anyone would dare ban Jessica from any party because, as he said, ‘She’s a huge superstar.’….Joe will do anything to make sure she’s in the papers every week and he knows Lindsay’s an easy target.”

Simpson, a former Baptist minister, requested that the pubs under no circumstances reveal him as a source and, in at least one case, insisted that they write that the scoop came from an associate of Lohan’s.

Look for the LoHo's to retaliate by sending Nicole Richie to jump out of a bucket of Cristal at Spider Club and "slice that bitch" Ashlee with a broken champagne flute.