Bomb Threat At WGA?

A few readers have e-mailed to tell us about a bomb threat (did some lose a tough credit arbitration?) at the WGA a few minutes ago, and the building's been evacuated (see cameraphone pic at left, which just looks like two dudes hanging out). Nobody seems to have any details, but we'll update as they become available. In the meantime, avoid coffee shops along Fairfax, which will soon swell with even more unemployed writers than usual.
UPDATE: After a quick perusal of the local news channel websites, we haven't found any info—but enjoy this slideshow of the Cool Cats of Southland, courtesy of NBC4 TV!
UPDATE 2: Employees are back in the building, and one updates: "Someone called the guild and said that he had written on a certain project and that the Guild was no friend of his and for us to 'enjoy the bombs' We were then evacuated."
Yeah, we knew this had disgruntled credit arbitration-seeker all over it. Looks like everyone's safe for the moment.