Trade Round-Up: 'Underdog' Humps Disney's Leg

· Unintentionally (we hope) hilarious quote of the morning: "'Anything where you have a dog in that superhero context, that's appealing on a global basis,' Barber said." Yes, this can mean only one thing: Underdog will finally become a live-action movie and attempt to slake the world's unquenchable thirst for canine superheroes. [Variety]
· Laurence Fishburne and Phillip Seymour Hoffman join the cast of Mission: Impossible 3, are contractually obligated to spend at least half an hour of their downtime each shooting day admiring Katie Holmes' huge engagement ring in front of members of the world press. [THR]
· Reflexive Self-Deprecation As Sad Truth-Telling Department: Woody Allen describes his role in his new movie: "I play a low-grade American entertainer, which is perfect for me because that's what I am." [Variety]
· ABC wins Sunday with Game 5 of the NBA Finals, more by default than by anyone's interest in the Spurs or Pistons. [THR]
· Trying to get in on some of the "there's nothing else on, so why don't we watch semi-famous people doing activities to which they're embarrassingly ill-suited" craze started by ABC's Dancing with the Stars, NBC preps I'm A Celebrity But I Want to be a Pop Star. Yes, really. [Variety]