Defamer Party Report: Publicist Vs. Random Attendee At Shane West's B-Day Party

Even though Shane West's name turns up virtually every week in our PrivacyWatch feature (we'd just assumed he's a guy whose job is to eat lunch 4-7 times a day in the most conspicuous places possible), we're still sent scrambling for the IMDb every time his name hits our inbox. But now we feel like we're even worse at our jobs than we'd previously feared, as this West character is important enough to have a publicist (who shall remain unnamed) sending out "items" about his birthday bash (co-hosted with music manager Eric Podwell—and yes, we had to ask someone who he "is"), which attracted party barnacles like the Hilton sisters, Kato Kaelin, and JC Chasez [all spelling/grammar errors *sic*]:
June 18th
Hollywood Hills
Paris was seen with sister in hand at the celebrity filled Shane West birthday party in the Hollywood hills, celebrating with about 5 of her girl friends. She must be making one more appearance before her non parting days...
She looked amazing with a bright pink dress and her famous blond locks covering half her face. Insiders says she was on her notorious Sidekick the whole night until she was seen screaming at Publicist Rembrandt Flores to help protect her from the paparazzi “stalking” her as she left Shane’s party. (Her and Nicky both declined to pose for press)
Gabrielle union and Jill Jones drinking stockholm krystall at shane west's birthday.
Rachel Bilson and crew dancing till the break of dawn at Shane west/ Eric podwall birthday...
Compare this report with one submitted by a reader, whose concerns were a little more practical than the flack's:
Went to Shane West's and Eric Podwell's birthday party on Saturday night. Good event with one minor exception - for a party of 400 people, only two restrooms (Porta Potties) open to the guests. Everyone was doing the pee pee dance in line, which took 30 minutes to get through.
So here's a free tip for any party planners trying to keep their guests happy: Next time, fewer Hiltons, more Porta Potties.