Trade Round-Up: Before They Were Untouchable

· It's technically not another remake for The New Paramount™, but doing a prequel to The Untouchables doesn't exactly reek of original thought, either. We really hope they find a way to work in a flashback of young Capone bashing one of his third-grade classmates with a youth-sized baseball bat. [Variety]
· The Supreme Court upholds an FCC ruling that cable companies don't have to open up their high-speed internet infrastructure to competitors. Congratulations to you if you've made it all the way to this sentence, for you're now officially bored. [THR]
· Financial considerations force NBC and Imagine's to "rethink" their 9/11 miniseries, as the partners cite the difficulty of making the project less expensive, but more exploitative. [Variety]
· The Miss America pageant just wants you to know that its move to CMT is not nearly as desperate as it seems, OK? It's, um, strategic! [THR]
· Disney and Dolby apply incredible 3-D technology to the goal of making animated chickens seem more lifelike. [Variety]