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• The Manhattan 7-11 is here to stay and, to assure itself of your love, they're giving away free Slurpees. Go ahead, you know you want to scream "Brain freeze!" like it's 1991 all over again. [Manhattan Offender]
• The WWD Overexposure Index, strangely enough, is followed by a straightforward item on Lindsay Lohan. Ahem. [WWD]
• More on the celebrity weeklies' usage of creative covers: Even your precious People magazine is guilty of this sort of bullphooey. Sure, it was a long time ago, People's cleaned up since then — we've heard it all before, and we trust no one. [WND]
• To give the Post fucking dating section more than a passing glance requires a very serious problem. Ladies and gentlemen, meet that problem, love the problem, and make it your own. [Lectern]
• Britney Spears has the golden ticket, and it's not to Planned Parenthood. Live, Federletus, LIVE! [OAN]
• You know what we're sending to Judith Miller? A "Free Judith" t-shirt. Duh. [CafePress]