Trade Round-Up: The Stallion Gets A Secret Life

· Wednesday is Butterscotch Stallion Day! Paramount signs Owen Wilson to star in a remake (How novel! Paramount never does that!) of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. [Variety]
· Jeri "Seven of Nine" Ryan is joining the cast of The O.C. as a mysterious woman that Kirsten meets in rehab, and a nation full of real-life Seth Cohens prepares for exciting nights composing Borg-Chino slash-fic. [THR]
· Uma Thurman and Luke "Why Don't I Get A Stallion Nickname?" Wilson will star in the Ivan Reitman-directed romantic comedy Super Ex, in which Thurman uses her super-powers to torture the man who dumped her. [Variety]
· Predictably, the baseball All-Star game attracts more Nielsen eyeballs than INXS's desperate attempt to replace their dead singer with a part-time bartender or waitress. [THR]
· ABC greenlights nine episodes of Simon Cowell/Freemantle Media reality show for entrepreneurs:The Million Dollar Idea. Here's a freebie: Someone should invent a set-top box that makes Paula Abdul seem like she's not flying on pain medication during American Idol episodes. [Variety]