And We Can Take or Leave It If We Please
It's not every day you receive a press release for a movie — as we just did — that isn't announcing its premiere, or unveiling a promotional tie-in, or denying stories about sexual entanglements or detox treatments among its stars. Nope, Adario Strange, the filmmaker behind The NYU Suicides, which examines the one-year period in which six NYU kids threw themselves from buildings, simply wants us to know of its existence.
This atypical press release is par for the Strange course. Apparently, he's always thinking outside the box:
"When the first two suicides occurred, many here seemed to ignore the warning signs," says Strange. "But I sensed something unusual was happening, and that's when I began investigating this subject in-depth."
He's an admirable fellow indeed: The one New Yorker, apparently, who recognized it's not normal for college kids to be killing themselves. We had no idea.