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• The Deep Throating trio of Bob Woodward, Carl Bernstein, and Ben Bradlee think Time Inc.'s editor-in-chief Norm Pearlstine has half the balls of late WaPo publisher Katharine Graham. Time whipping-boy Matthew Cooper is inclined to agree. [R&M]
• When learning that Glamour magazine is planning an exposé of Scientology with a former Scientologist for its September magazine, the "church" sent a gang of OT-IVs to bully up the Condé Nasties. Let the battle of the cults begin. [Page Six]
• Donald Trump, Jr. is rumored to be shopping around exclusive rights to his November wedding to Vanessa Haydon and looking for around six figures. Like father, like son. [Lowdown]
• Here's a shocker: Journos forced to interview celebrities say the stars don't shine all too brightly. [Page Six]