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• Our favorite ex-pat Greg Gutfeld dons his labcoat and, after extensive scientific research, comes up with the latest medical scare, Huff-Lag. So that's why we feel sick and depressed whenever we read the HuffPo for too long. [HuffPo]
• On the NYC singles scene: "It's a fashion-y, power, kind of who you know and what you know kind of city." Yeah? And who the fuck are you? [Forbes]
• Precious indie rocker Bright Eyes gets wasted at Glastonbury, talks shit on stage, loses respect of Number One Fan Jonathan Safran Foer. [Buddyhead via Goldenfiddle]
• We remember people hating on capri pants back in 1998. Apparently, they're still hating. Listen: If it's hot as hell outside and you don't like your upper thighs, you don't have a lot of options. Lay off, dudes. [IHateCapriPants]
• Ah, good, now we're not the only website editors with BJ victims around town. [OiNY]
• And there's only one way to end a day like today: What. The. Fuck. [Craigslist]