You Could Fuck a Guy From The Bachelor for $5600
Allie Jones · 02/18/16 09:02AM
FEELS LIKE -25°, NEW YORK—It was the coldest February 14th on record in New York City in 100 years, but inside The Ainsworth club in Manhattan, no one was dressed for the weather. Over 400 young, unmarried women had wedged themselves into sleeveless, Herve Leger-style bandage dresses and open-toed shoes to spend roughly three hours in the same room as several male castoffs from The Bachelor TV franchise, on Valentine’s Day.
Is Your Flip Phone the Only Thing Stopping You From Getting Laid?
Hamilton Nolan · 04/14/15 03:30PMNJ Woman Says Man Named "Gooch" Stole Her Car After OkCupid Date
Hudson Hongo · 03/07/15 04:30PMSingle on Valentine's Day? Meet the Most Desirable Men in NYC
Kelly Conaboy · 02/13/15 04:30PM
Valentine's Day is right around the corner, ladies—and we mean, like, tomorrow. If that Hallmark-propelled fact leaves you sad-face-emoji rather than heart-eyes-emoji, don't fret. There are still a number of attractive, eligible bachelors right here in New York City. (And we're sure there are a bunch in other cities, too! Just focusing on New York City specifically for this article.)
Tinder Is Dead
Dayna Evans · 02/04/15 12:30PM"10 Reasons You Shouldn't Date a Mexican Man"
Hamilton Nolan · 02/03/15 03:47PMCannibal Cop Is Looking For Love From Someone "A Little Kinky ;)"
Aleksander Chan · 01/21/15 11:13AM
Gilberto "Cannibal Cop" Valle beat his conviction for conspiring to kidnap, rape, kill, and eat women last summer—and he's ready to get back into the dating scene. The New York Post found his apparent profile, in which the former NYPD officer seeks the loving companionship of a woman who is "non-judgmental" and "a little kinky ;)"
You Don't Need a Winter Romance: The Case Against Cuffing Season
Jozen Cummings · 10/16/14 02:00PM
Imagine: You recently meet someone and hit it off immediately. Before long, one date has become 10, and it hasn’t even been two weeks. This person is now first in line to all the other people you have loosely been dating or sexting or whatever it is you do with people you sort-of like. Time with them has usurped time on Tinder to the point where you now feel comfortable introducing them to friends.
15 Guys Explain Why They Date Women Who Are Ghosts
Kelly Conaboy · 10/08/14 12:44PMGuy Builds Right-Swiping Robot Finger to Get More Matches on Tinder
Jay Hathaway · 09/05/14 05:03PMHow efficient is the "right-swipe everyone" strategy for dudes on Tinder? Apparently, it's only limited by the manual dexterity and endurance of the swiper. And now one evil genius has removed even that barrier by building a mechanical finger that automatically says yes to every woman on the dating site.
Dudes Discover New Explanation for All College Sex Mishaps
Hamilton Nolan · 08/21/14 11:44AMI Was The Other Man
Michael Arceneaux · 08/21/14 11:00AM
I met him in a drag bar in the West Village on one of the first warm days of the year. While I certainly get the appeal of drag queens, it's not really one of my favorite forms of entertainment. But I didn't want to be a spoiler so I watched some really large Italian man in makeup quote Trina's rap lyrics in exchange for laughter and a few dollar bills. Right around the time I thought to leave, he walked in. And we immediately locked eyes. We gazed at each other for an hour until I noticed something: He was with someone else.
Your Wanton Harlotry Shall Doom You to Wedded Misery
Hamilton Nolan · 08/19/14 10:52AMA Blank Profile Is Probably as Good as Whatever You Wrote on OkCupid
Jay Hathaway · 07/28/14 03:38PM
Much like Facebook, dating site OkCupid has been conducting secret social experiments on its users—not to influence their moods, but sometimes to influence their opinions of one another. In the latest post on OkCupid's data-driven chronicle of man's inhumanity to man, the OkTrends Blog, we learn that your picture is all that matters and you'll like whomever a fair-to-middling cupid tells you to like.
Fake Edward Snowden Infiltrates Hearts on Tinder
Jay Hathaway · 07/09/14 05:36PM
Edward is a single, eligible guy, just looking for love on Tinder. He's handy with technology, enjoys traveling to exotic locales—he's in Moscow right now, actually—and he's got a great positive attitude. Is it any surprise that ladies on the dating site love him (whether they know who he is or not)?
Who You Love Is a Political Choice
Josie Duffy · 06/27/14 11:30AM
After Ernest Baker's essay about interracial relationships, "The Reality of Dating White Women When You're Black," ran on Gawker earlier this month we received hundreds of comments and emails objecting to, agreeing with, or otherwise responding to Baker. This week, we're publishing some of those responses as part of a conversation about race and relationships.
Brainiacs to Finally Do Sex
Dayna Evans · 06/25/14 04:15PMI'm Mexican, But Date Black Men
Erika Ramirez · 06/25/14 12:10PM
After Ernest Baker's essay about interracial relationships, "The Reality of Dating White Women When You're Black," ran on Gawker earlier this month we received hundreds of comments and emails objecting to, agreeing with, or otherwise responding to Baker. This week, we're publishing some of those responses as part of a conversation about race and relationships.