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So first there was a terrible, horrible new strain of HIV a few months ago that was supposed to make life seem like 1980s again for New York's gays.

Then: Um, never mind. It turned out the superstrain was just one, isolated case; not the horrible new mutation we'd been promised, all dolled up and ready to rampage down Eighth Avenue. So relax.

Now: Actually, never mind that neverminding. Turns out it really is superstrain time. Here's Newsday:

Three more men have been found to be infected with a drug-resistant form of the HIV virus, with city health officials connecting them to the gay New York man who is sickened with a similar superstrain.

With all this going-but-not-going, it's like a fucking Cher farewell tour. Which sort of makes sense.

More 'Superstrain' HIV Cases Found [Newsday]
Earlier: At Least Larry Kramer Can't Say They Ignored It This Time