
How Sex Workers Taught Me to Hustle

Clay Cane · 08/21/15 10:01AM

Twenty years ago, Friday and Species were blowing up at the box office. Groove Theory’s “Tell Me” and Notorious B.I.G’s “One More Chance (Remix)” were in heavy rotation on my Sony Walkman. I had just graduated from high school in Philadelphia and was finally dealing with my sexuality. This was the summer sex workers taught me how to hustle.

Boys Like Me

James Fisher · 08/15/15 01:15PM

I was 14, just starting high school at an all-boys public school in the Bronx, when I began to feel a strong physical attraction to other boys. I was quiet and observant, and I didn’t yet know if I should, or could, act on those emotions.

Is This Gay-Themed Taco Bell Commercial Real?

J.K. Trotter · 12/26/14 11:55AM

Earlier this month, a video titled “LEAKED GAY TACO BELL COMMERCIAL” appeared on YouTube. It depicts two guys consuming Taco Bell, playing skee ball, riding a Ferris Wheel, cuddling on a picnic blanket, unearthing buried treasure (?), getting married, and riding a jet-ski and a motorcycle together. And Taco Bell won’t say whether it’s real.

Wife of Texas Anti-Gay Scumbag Left Him to Be With Her Girlfriend

Andy Cush · 08/13/14 02:32PM

Jonathan Saenz, an evil man known for stuff like claiming same-sex marriage leads to polygamy and "standing strong" with the Boy Scouts of America against admitting gay people, divorced his wife in 2011. She left him, it turns out, because she was in love with a woman.

Church Canceled Funeral Because Deceased Son Was Gay, Family Says

Andy Cush · 08/08/14 08:06AM

The day before Julion Evans' funeral was scheduled to happen at Tampa, Florida's New Hope Missionary Baptist Church, Evans' mother reportedly got a phone call from a pastor. Because the deceased was gay, he said, the church would have to cancel the funeral.

S.C. Voters Strip Mayor of Power for Firing Popular Gay Police Chief

Adam Weinstein · 06/25/14 10:37AM

Amid last night's Beltway bluster over which conservative Republican would win a Deep South Senate seat, the media missed some pretty interesting local election results—like the South Carolina town that rallied to back a gay police chief and punish the mayor who fired her two months ago.

Military Color Guard Assigned to March in Gay Pride Parade

Adam Weinstein · 06/06/14 01:25PM

Conservative culture warriors may want to skip Saturday's big gay pride parade in Washington, seeing as how Dykes With Bikes will be joined by a Pentagon-approved U.S. military color guard—believed to be a first in the nation's history.

JFK’s Grandson Is, Unfortunately, Not Gay

J.K. Trotter · 02/13/14 03:50PM

Gay-themed website Queerty reports that Jack Schlossberg, the grandson of President John F. Kennedy and a junior at Yale, came out as gay in an essay for the Yale Herald before the paper’s editors mysteriously deleted his column and his Twitter account disappeared. Unfortunately for Camelot, the essay—and the Twitter account—are fake.

Pope Linked to Gay Blackmail Scandal

Max Rivlin-Nadler · 02/23/13 11:05AM

A new report outlining a network of gay Vatican officials might have been behind the Pope's resignation earlier this month, a claim the Vatican neither confirms or denies.

Cory Booker's Spokesman Refuses to Say Whether or Not He's Gay

Max Read · 01/29/13 10:16AM

The world cried out for more words on puppy-rescuing Newark Mayor, New Jersey Senate hopeful and Twitter celebrity Cory Booker, and Buzzfeed has delivered — 5,000 of them, answering the question "Can Cory Booker Keep It Together?" (the answer: Maybe?). Unfortunately, only a handful are devoted the only question anyone really cares about: is he gay? The answer, again, is "maybe?"