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Remember back when Lachlan Murdoch resigned from News Corp? Seems just like this morning... We're nostalgic for the mystery surrounding his departure, although we hear it might have to do with some creative number crunching for the Post's circulation. (To which we say: Big whoop. What paper DOESN'T fudge the math these days?)

The Observer's Media Mob antiblog blog has Lachlan's farewell email. The paper version, surely, smells like Eternity and is stained with tears. Grab a kleenex; after the jump, it's Lachlan's Long Goodbye.


Dear Colleagues,

You may have already seen the announcement that I have decided to resign as an executive of News and that I will remain a director. I would have liked to talk to you all personally about my decision but clearly that's impossible so I hope this email will go some of the way.

As you can imagine, this was a very difficult decision. And while it was of a personal nature, it is important to me that you know that it was not made lightly. Only after long and hard deliberations over many months did I come to my final conclusion that now was the time for me to take this next step forward in my life and my career.

Growing up in and around the company, I spent my most formative years looking up to the men and woman of News Corporation with great admiration and deep affection. I knew from around the time I could walk that I wanted to join this great team of people and share with you the thrill of working for a truly unique and exciting company.

Since early days cleaning presses on the old Daily Mirror in Sydney to publishing the New York Post, from interning as a sub at News International to running our US television stations, from working alongside you from Rome to Darwin, my admiration for you and your work has only grown stronger. Along the way we have shared many adventures and forged many strong and lasting friendships.

Going forward we face many difficult challenges as the media world evolves at a pace never seen before. As our markets fragment we must lead the way in finding ever more new and exciting relevance to those who read our newspapers and watch our programmes. I am looking forward to exercising my new role as a non-executive director to help steer us through the next generation of media challenges and opportunities.

News is the most truly global of all media companies. Our strength lies in our local management in markets around the world, not just in Los Angeles or New York. This culture is unique and, coupled with great leadership from my father, provides a powerful engine for growth.

Needless to say I will be watching closely and anticipate celebrating your many successes for years to come. There is no more talented team of creative professionals in the world. You will go from strength to strength.

On a personal note Sarah and I are looking forward to returning home to Sydney with our son, Kalan. I know how much many of your husbands and wives, children and friends sacrifice for this company, often with little official recognition. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank you and your families, for your dedication, loyal support, and friendship over so many years.

Very sincerely,
